Nicole Giroux
Therapist in faith-based and non-faith-based counseling.

Trauma healing (simple, complex)
Non-faith-based counseling
Faith-based counseling
Couples (Gottman method)
Recovery after divorce or split
Nicole Giroux
I am originally from Switzerland. After years (30) of working in a mental institution as a nurse aid, then teaching (10) years in a secondary school, I decided to train in counseling in order to better walk alongside people who are clogging through tough seasons in life. I am also currently specializing in trauma healing (NICABM).
My own life experience (65 years), my life as a mother and stepmother, single parent, multicultural upbringing, as well as a good training in counseling, and an internship in a counseling center in the US, all those experiences allow me to offer tools, progress and hope to my clients.
Training Empreinte (Counseling): 2014-2017
Trauma Healing (NICABM, Trauma Healing Institute): 2019-2020
Gottman Institute, Levels 1 & 2: 2019-2020

Counseling Services
Simple Trauma: We may have lived an event which has totally turned our lives upside down. This event will affect us in different ways, and sometimes years after the event itself. This could happen in different ways (nightmares, depression, anger, dissociation, flashbacks, phobias). Trauma is never trivial. The good news is, we can, with help and delicacy, work on those wounds, heal and get back on our feet in order to move on with scars and not open wounds.
Complex Trauma (childhood): We don’t always know that childhood trauma (abandonment, abuse, neglect, rejection) affects our adult life. Our childhood can be brought to light through therapy, and we can build a new identity, and regain self-esteem and joy in life.
Seniors: Retirement, loneliness, loss of purpose can lead us into a questioning of our life’s goals and values. Sometimes issues, which were put on the back burner for decades, jump back to our faces when we have more time and as we age. Finding the way to peaceful aging can be a challenge, but it is possible and so fulfilling.
Couples: So many couples, despite all their efforts and love for each other, fail to manage the « living together ». The Gottman Institute method has over several decades studied repeated patterns in couples, and has developed wonderful tools to accompany struggling partners, and help them to bond again.
Non-faith-based counseling: Through different hardships in life (loss of job, grieving, depression, identity crisis), it is of big help to have someone walking alongside us who can show us adequate tools we can use in order to move on with more confidence in ourselves.
Faith-based counseling: Standing at crossroads along our life’s journey, we sometimes start questioning and searching for spiritual meaning. Or we walk through a season of « faith crisis » because of spiritual abuse, misunderstanding of biblical principles, anger towards the God we thought we knew. Taking time to pause, look hard and honestly at our spiritual being in order to move on with a faith that is our own, and in agreement with what we believe, is so important.
Divorce or split up: These life experiences are never a trivial matter no matter what people may tell us. We often feel so lost when confronted with this upheaval which not only affects us but our extended family as well. Practical tools can help us walk through this difficult season of life. It is important to come out of it without ongoing resentment and bitterness. Being able to handle single parenting, and maybe blended families, we might also need some help.
My goal in training late in life and becoming a counselor at my age is to make counseling available to people who have very little financial means since it is not an active business.
The fee for one 60 min session is based on a sliding scale. This means that one session is billed according to income. (1%)
Monthly income 1500 = 15 frs
Monthly income 5000 = 50 frs
Note: video sessions are available

Contact Me
Nicole Giroux
Tel: (41) 079 773 47 29
Espace Bosquets
33 rue des bosquets
1800 Vevey
You may leave a voicemail.